Estudio prospectivo y descriptivo del sector turístico en la ciudad de Villavicencio – Meta (2015-2025)

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Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Posgrado, Especialización Alta Gerencia y Economía Solidaria, Villavicencio
Especialización alta gerencia y economía solidaria
Especialización alta gerencia y economía solidaria
El presente trabajo investigativo nace con el ánimo de comprender de manera argumentada, objetiva y sistémica las causas que han llevado a la disminución de la demanda turística en el municipio de Villavicencio. En este sentido, la investigación desarrollada trazó como objetivo principal, determinar los factores que influyen directa e indirectamente en la afluencia de turistas en la capital llanera, mediante el desarrollo de un estudio prospectivo que permita entender la dinámica y comportamiento de dichas variables. Metodología: Se trabajó con una metodología cualitativa y cuantitativa, y una investigación de tipo descriptivo, apoyada en el análisis prospectivo MIC MAC, donde se estudió de manera estructural las variables que determinan el comportamiento del sector turístico.
The present research work was born with the aim of understanding in an argumentative, objective and systemic manner the causes that have led to the decrease of tourist demand in the municipality of Villavicencio. In this sense, the main objective of the research was to determine the factors that directly and indirectly influence the influx of tourists in the llanera capital of Colombia, through the development of a prospective study to understand the dynamics and behavior of these variables. Methodology: We worked with a qualitative and quantitative methodology, and a descriptive research, supported by the prospective MIC MAC analysis, where we studied in a structural way the variables that determine the behavior of the tourism sector.
The present research work was born with the aim of understanding in an argumentative, objective and systemic manner the causes that have led to the decrease of tourist demand in the municipality of Villavicencio. In this sense, the main objective of the research was to determine the factors that directly and indirectly influence the influx of tourists in the llanera capital of Colombia, through the development of a prospective study to understand the dynamics and behavior of these variables. Methodology: We worked with a qualitative and quantitative methodology, and a descriptive research, supported by the prospective MIC MAC analysis, where we studied in a structural way the variables that determine the behavior of the tourism sector.
Palabras clave
Análisis estructural MIC MAC, Clúster turístico, Competitividad del sector turístico, Desarrollo turístico sostenible